Silent Thunder's Homepage

Thunder Photos - His Arrival and First Weeks

Thunder's Show Photos - Beginning April 2008
Oct 2007 - Training session over fences
A Photo Chronology: Thunder's retraining
May 12, 2007 - Thunder's first jumps!
Thunder's Race Photos!
Penn National Photos
Thunder Photos - His Arrival and First Weeks
Thunder's Story: The Life of a Racehorse
Thunder's Links
Important Information about Horse Slaughter

I am hoping to keep replacing the photos on this page with new ones as I take them!  The first couple photos are from Thunder's first days at Meadowville, and the bottom two are from a month later, in February....


Thunder's arrival at Meadowville on New Year's Eve Day, 2005. 


This is day 2 for Thunder at Meadowville, and the first time I put him in crossties. This is a significant photo for me because it shows how much he needs to put on some weight and also it shows the expression of apprehension on his face.  I took this photo about 60 seconds after I hooked him up in the crossties, and I was unhooking him shortly afterwards....I discovered that crossties are not something a racer is familiar with, as they are almost always tied up very closely in their stalls or held by a groom!  I am working on acclimating him to the crossties by tieing him to a single post in the open aisle and letting him get comfortable in the location before using the crossties.

In fact, when I explored the ex-racer resources websites, I discovered commentary on this problem - click here to read and notice question #2!


Here's Thunder tied to the pole - and this is one was taken about one month after his arrival, in February.  I think you can tell in this photo that he has put some weight on and is much more relaxed in his new home.


Here he is on the first day I rode him!  He was ultimately very good, but when I first tacked him up he thought he was off to the races.  This photo was taken after our ride. (I tried to get photos in the indoor arena while I was on him but the camera flash didn't work and they didn't turn out!)  I love this photo because you can see how sweet he can be, he's looking for some reassurance.  That's the doorway to his very large stall in the background.